Miracle Beetroot Remedy: Cleans The Liver, Protects From Cancer, Regulates Blood Pressure… (Recipe)

The results of some medical studies have shown that consumption of beet prevents the development of malignant tumors, purifies the liver and body of toxins and other “waste”, treats constipation and other problems with the colon.

Russian traditional medicine believes that this beet remedy is the best non-medical drug for hypertension that normalizes blood pressure for a long period of time, and is beneficial in atherosclerosis.

For the preparation of this beetroot remedy you’ll need:

  • Large glass jar (1 gallon)
  • 25 ounces beets (about 3 pieces of fresh beets with an average size)
  • 2 tablespoons flour
  • 1 cup sugar
  • ½ cup raisins

Method of preparation:

Wash well the fresh beets and cut them into cubes or thin slices and place in a clean jar. Add raisins, 2 tablespoons flour and 1 cup of sugar. Fill the jar with cold water and stir. Then close the lid or wrap with gauze (so the remedy can breathe) and leave in a warm place 6-7 days to ferment.

Stir the content of the jar 2 times a day and if necessary, remove the foam. After 7 days, strain the mixture through cheesecloth and the remedy is done. Drink 3-4 tbsp 3 times a day before meals. Store in the frige.

Drink the entire remedy and thereby you’ll complete the first phase of cleansing the liver. Take a break of three months and repeat. Again pause for three months and repeat for the third time. After a year your liver will be completely clean.

During the cleaning, sand and small stones from the kidneys might be removed.

This method is applied by doctors in some hospitals in Kyiv and Luhansk region because it showned excellent results not only to cleanse the liver, but the entire body, and it is an excellent natural remedy for hypertension and atherosclerosis.

There are contraindications: yeast is not recommended for persons who kidney disease, problems with the digestive tract in the acute phase and gout. You must be careful if you have low blood pressure.

Before use of this drink advice a doctor.
