You Will Never Throw Away Banana Peels After Reading These 10 Beneficial Treatments!

According to a research of Health Service, adults should consume about 3.500mg of potassium per day. But what are the foods that contain potassium? Well, banana is one of them. Me, myself, I prefer eating a banana before I go to sleep, some people like to eat them at work and there are various and various options. Yet, despite the inside healthy part of this fruit, many times I saw my mother using the banana skin for her favorite plants in my house. I have seen even my friends using banana skin as a face treatment and then I used it myself too. And the results were, WOW! Still, we don’t have much information about the use of banana skin, do we?!

Now, due to this, we are going to show you 10 beneficial ways that you can use the skin of the banana you just ate:

Thinking about how many banana skins are thrown away each day, their variety of uses will just teach you how to utilize the “trash” into your life.

1. Reduce Acne
Banana contains potassium, iron, zinc and vitamin C and E – ingredients which can help a lot your skin when combined. These nutrients help to calm the skin and reduce acne outbreaks.

2. Remove splinters
Splinters are foreign bodies that are partially or fully embedded in the skin. Meanwhile, we are able to remove them without medical intervention and banana peel can greatly serve on this.

Leave a banana skin on the affected area for 15 minutes, and then the splinter will be visible enough to pluck out with wheezers.

3. Whiten your teeth
Before visiting your dentist and spending money on teeth whitening, you can use banana peel and make your teeth smile look like pearls!

4. They reduce the appearance of scars
Because of the potassium, we spoke about, and also fatty acids that the banana peel contains, it can help you diminish your scars. You just have to rub on swollen, red or irritated skin and it is very likely that the scars will heal away.

5. Migraine treatment
Applying a banana peel to your forehead may make the pain disappear. This is because skin absorbs potassium.

6. Reduce wrinkles
Vitamin C and antioxidants can help a lot to reduce wrinkles and fine lines.

7. It can help tenderize your meat
You are cooking steak and you want to keep it tender and moist? Add some ripe banana peel.

8. They can polish silver
You can’t find many natural methods to clean your jewelry but this one works for small delicate pieces. Even here is the potassium that helps to make your silver shine!

9. They are great for composting
As they decompose, banana peels add potassium as well as small amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus, and magnesium that become nutrients – essential to keep your potted plants healthy.

10. Relieve itchy skin
Next time a mosquito bites you, you know how to treat the skin!
