10 Incredible Things That Happen When Adding Warm Lemon Water To Your Morning Routine

Very useful thing you can do for your health is to lemon water before you dine.

This will help to remove harmful toxins and hydrate your body very quickly. Also it will help fortify your body with important nutrients such as magnesium, calcium, iron, potassium, protein, carbohydrate, pectin fiber and vitamins A, C and B-Complex.

Lemon is rich in citric acid, which has excellent antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties. This will boost your immune system and help fight against infections like flu and colds. You can prepare hot lemon water by simply squeezing 1 fresh lemon into a glass of hot water and add a little honey for flavor.


Helps digestion
Hot lemon water can help by stimulating the liver to generate more bile, which improves digestion.

This drink can help you in case of constipation and indigestion.

Lemon water is great when you want to lose weight
Fiber pectin in lemon helps to get a sense of satiety, which is good for combating starvation.

You are also alkalizing your stomach when you consume a mixture of lemon and raw natural honey in warm water. This will help you lose weight.

Ideal for smooth and clear skin
You can purify the blood and create new blood cells. Drinking a glass of lemon juice in hot water each day before breakfast will help your appearance.

Improves the immune system
You will increase your body’s ability to absorb iron and vitamin C, which strengthens and enhances the immune system of your body and thus help fight off infections such as influenza and colds.

Lemon juice in hot water removes bad breath
Consuming lemon and lemon water often helps to fight bacteria that cause bad breath. Your mouth will be clean and will produce more saliva, which kills the bacteria causing bad breath.

Lemon water helps to regulate the pH levels in the body
Ascorbic and citric acid helps to stabilize the pH of the body.

If your body is acidic for too long, it will be subjected to serious health risks. Drink a glass of warm water with lemon juice and adjusts the pH of your body.

Increase your energy levels
Lemon is rich in energy-promoting vitamins and minerals such as phosphorus, vitamins B and C.

Your body will be refreshed and your energy level will significantly increase.

It is great for throat infections
If you drink lemon in hot water first thing in the morning before breakfast, it will help to fight throat infections and even tonsillitis. This is due to the excellent antibacterial properties of this citrus fruit.

It helps to regulate high blood pressure
Lemons can moisturize and clean your lymphatic system.

Potassium contained in the lemon is a wonderful substance to relieve stress and helps improve your mental functions, as well as a good sleep.

When you’re well rested, you will have a more regulated blood pressure.

Helps treatment of urinary tract
Lemon water is very powerful diuretic. You will urinate more frequently and thus flush bacteria from your urinary tract. This will free you from infections. This will regulate the pH and will impede the growth and spread of bad bacteria in the urinary tract.

So start your day with a cup of hot water and lemon! Enjoy the health benefits of this drink!
