Say goodbye to ear infection! Here’s how to cure an ear infection naturally in just 1 day!

Otitis is an inflammation of the ear associated with the development of infection in it. Often the disease is manifested in the form of severe ear pain, fever and temporary hearing loss. Today, we will share with you a way to effectively treat catarrhal otitis media (acute inflammation) of the middle ear, which occurs in 50% of clinical cases. For the treatment of purulent otitis doctors often prescribe strong antibiotics.

In catarrhal otitis mucous membranes of the ear become inflamed, resulting in reduced aperture, and this is a great incentive for the further development of the infection. Often patients experience severe pain when pressing the tragus – small protrusion of the cartilage of the outer ear. Also, by sneezing, swallowing or coughing, pain passes in the teeth or in the temple.

Necessary products:

  • 2-3 walnuts
  • Garlic press
  • Hot salt pack

Put the nuts in the press garlic press to squeeze a little walnut oil. Prior to dripping the oil into the ear you should warm the affected area using a hot salt pack for 5-10 minutes.

Never heat the ear if pus has already begun to flow. If doing so you can only do harm and spread the infection even more. Heating compresses will be useful only in cases where there are observed symptoms of middle ear infection, but not purulent discharge.

The procedure should be done 3-4 times a day. After warming it, it’s necessary to drip into each ear 2-3 drops of walnut oil. Don’t apply this procedure in the case of high fever, severe dizziness and disorientation in space.

You have to remember that this method helps relieve the symptoms of this very serious disease. But even getting rid of the strong pain, you need to visit doctor specialist.
