Exceptional Homemade Cream To Naturally And Quickly Heal Your Scars In 2 Weeks

Exposed to various internal and external aggressions, our skin often has marks of our evolution in life: juvenile acne blemishes, stretch marks, surgical wounds, injuries, etc. all will leave their trace. To improve the appearance of your skin and help fade the appearance of scars, we have for you a natural and homemade cream with proven efficacy.

What is a scar?
Scarring is the last stage of a wound healing, burn or wound left by a medical procedure, and is called a scar, the mark that appears on the skin, after the repair of altered skin tissue.

To speed up the healing process and diminish the appearance of these scars, most people resort to various healing creams and ointments sold in the market, forgetting that in doing so they expose themselves to a multitude of harmful chemicals to their health.

To help you quickly fade your scars, here is a homemade cream containing highly effective natural ingredients.


– ¼ cup cocoa butter
– ¼ cup extra virgin olive oil
– 1 tablespoon of pure organic honey
– 4 drops of lavender essential oil

In a double boiler, heat the cocoa butter and when melted, add the olive oil. Then pour the tablespoon of honey and finish with the lavender essential oil. Mix together and let cool to room temperature before placing in the refrigerator for 20 minutes. After this time, put your cream in an airtight container and store it.

On you skin, cleaned and dried, apply the cream on the scar that you want to fade, twice a day, with firm circular movements until complete absorption.
